片名:《荒野求生 第二季》
上映时间: 2007
发行地区: 英国 / 美国
丝丝入扣的百度爱好者评论:每一帧都让人陶醉, 故事情感深入人心, 真是观影的极致享受。
气势磅礴的[纳思影视]分享《荒野求生 第二季》故事简介:Bear drops into the swamps of Florida's Everglades, where at least 60 tourists need to be rescued each year. He trudges through the swamp and shows how to construct shelter, deal with razor-sharp sawgrass, get out of a muddy sinkhole, avoid alligators and rattlesnakes. He eats frogs and cooks a turtle Seminole-style.
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